Mobile advice center
Dates of the Cologne police
Here you will find an overview of the current and future dates of your Cologne Police Department!

Counseling and training services offered by the police in Cologne and Leverkusen.

Focal points:

  • Burglary and theft protection
  • Pickpocketing
  • Senior citizen prevention
  • Cybercrime information evenings online and in person
  • Rollator training for more safety in road traffic


  • Tuesday, 16. July 2024, 8.30 -12:30, Rollator training of the Cologne police in Leverkusen Opladen, Marktplatz. There will be a bus on site to practise getting on and off buses safely.
    All rollator users are welcome. Participation is free of charge, registration is not required.
  • Friday, 07. June 2024, 14:30 to 16:00, Event series "Kölner Präventionsgespräche - Älter werden, aber sicher!" - together with the Cologne Consumer Advice Center, we will provide information about current dangers and currently popular fraud and trick theft scams, Cologne Adult Education Centre, Studienhaus am Neumarkt, Cäcilienstr. 35, 50667 Cologne, the event is free of charge. Registration can be made by e-mail vhs-kundenzentrum [at] (vhs-kundenzentrum[at]stadt-koeln[dot]de) or by telephone 0221 221-25990, quoting the course number A-111068. Spontaneous participation is possible.
  • Friday, June 7, 2024, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm, pedelec training for senior citizens in cooperation with ADAC Nordrhein e.V. and the City of Cologne on the grounds of the Youth Traffic School, Neusser Straße 164, 50733 Cologne (registration required link)
  • Friday, June 07, 2024, 12:00 to 15:00, traffic prevention on the subject of bicycle helmets by the road safety advisors of the Cologne police on Maternusplatz in 50996 Cologne Rodenkirchen. In addition, a free vision and hearing test will be offered by the Landesverkehrswacht and the City of Cologne will be on site with a contact person from the bicycle officer team.
  • Monday, June 17, 2024, 14:00, burglary protection advice in the advice center at Cologne Police Headquarters: Walter-Pauli-Ring 2-6 in 51103 Cologne. Registration required at [at] (kriminalpraevention[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) or 0221 / 229-8655. Limited number of participants, the consultation is free of charge, duration approx. 2 hours.
  • Thursday, September 26, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, online evening for education officers of the cybercrime expert team of Cologne Crime Prevention, registration information here.

Citizen consultation hours Leverkusen

The cooperation between the police and the public order office has been running in Leverkusen for quite some time. Both authorities work closely together to ensure safety and order in the city. The existing public order partnership is now to be further intensified. Since October 2022, the police and the Leverkusen Municipal Public Order Service (KOD) have been holding joint mobile consultation hours on the topics of safety and order:
Where are there more noise complaints? Where is driving too fast? Where is there garbage lying around? Are there places where citizens feel uncomfortable (areas of fear)?

The citizens' consultation hours in Leverkusen will take place regularly in other parts of the city. The aim of the deliberately low-key consultation hours is to establish closer and, above all, uncomplicated contact with citizens.

The police are on site with the Mobile Advice Center of the Crime Prevention and Victim Protection Department and provide advice on the following topics:

  • Safe living - burglary and theft protection
  • Senior citizen prevention
    • How do I protect myself and my relatives from fraud on the phone or at the front door?
    • What are the most common scams and which situations pose a particular risk?
    • How do I behave correctly if I receive a fraudulent call, for example.
  • Bicycle theft

The Cologne police crime prevention/victim protection department provides advice on these and other questions.

Dates for Cologne
and Leverkusen
Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110