Umbrella for protection
Technical prevention
The digital crime prevention advice and prevention center offers a comprehensive range of advice on the best possible prevention of property crime.

Offers and target groups:
The technical crime prevention team provides helpful tips on security measures that are individually tailored to each property, e.g. for:

  • Single-family homes, apartment buildings (multi-storey apartments)
  • New buildings
  • Conversions of existing properties
  • Questions about windows, doors and other access options
  • Bicycles and motor vehicles
  • Commercial businesses and vehicles including large garages

On-site advice is possible in individual cases.

The digital advice and prevention center is located in the Cologne police headquarters in the Kalk district. On around 160 square meters of exhibition space, we show you the latest security technology using various exhibits.

Das Team der Kriminalprävention/Opferschutz der Polizei Köln ist auch mobil für Sie unterwegs!
Präventionshinweise zum Phänomen der Oldtimer Diebstähle.
Finger weg vom Fahrzeugschnäppchen! Ein gutes Geschäft macht nur der „Verkäufer“. Im Jahr 2020 hat die Polizei Köln 120 Strafanzeigen zu Betrugsdelikten beim Autokauf aufgenommen. 95 Mal hatten die Autokäufer unwissend ein gestohlenes Auto gekauft; 25 Interessenten hatten den Betrug rechtzeitig ...
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110