Your opinion is in demand

Side clearance
Your opinion is in demand
Write to us about your experiences
The Cologne police would like to know from you: Where do dangerous situations occur in road traffic?

The Cologne police would like to know from you: Where do dangerous situations occur in road traffic?

Are you on foot, on a bicycle or on an e-scooter? Please share your personal experiences with us and send an email to [at] (sicher[dot]mobil[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

Only with your tips and feedback can we review our road safety work and, together with our network partners, ensure greater road safety.

Impairments on Cologne's road network (e.g. potholes, damaged pavements and cycle paths) can be reported on the City of Cologne website (pothole hotline).

The City of Cologne has set up a special hotline for reporting defective lighting systems and traffic lights: City of Cologne.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110