At the end of the Cologne police's campaign weeks (June 19 to 26, 2020) for cycling safety, the police raised public awareness of the cause of accidents "turning off". On the initiative of Cologne's police chief Uwe Jacob, traffic experts - including traffic department head Andrea Blome, representatives of the ADFC, VCD and ADAC Nordrhein e. V. - were present on Rudolfplatz (Am Hahnentor) and explained how the risk of serious turning accidents can be minimized. Such traffic accidents often have very serious consequences for cyclists and can be fatal. In 2018 alone, three people died as a result in the city of Cologne.
The waste management companies provided a truck equipped with a turning assistant for the event. Using a film developed by the Berufsgenossenschaft Güterverkehr, which the ADFC provided, the experts explained how mirrors can be optimally adjusted.