Frequently asked questions and answers
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions on the subject of "Cycling safety"

Do you still have unanswered questions that we have not listed here? Feel free to write to us at sicher-radfahren.koeln@polizei.nrw.de and we will also consider your questions on the subject of "Safe cycling".
General questions about cycling safety
  • When do cyclists have to use the cycle path?
    Cyclists are only obliged to use cycle paths if this is indicated by traffic signs as a "cycle path requiring use" (VZ 237/240/241). If a cycle path does not have a traffic sign indicating that it must be used, cyclists can decide for themselves whether to use the cycle path or the roadway.
  • How high is the penalty for ignoring the obligation to use the cycle lane?
    Violations of the obligation to use the cycle path without consequences are subject to a warning fine of 20 euros.
    Further information can be found in the Catalog of fines.
  • When and where are two cyclists allowed to ride side by side?
    Cyclists are generally allowed to ride next to each other when using the road. Riding side by side is prohibited if it obstructs traffic. There must be a specific obstruction here.
    Further information on this can be found at Paragraph 2 of the Highway Code.
  • The same drivers always park in front of our school, especially in the afternoon in the no-parking zone (VZ 283). Addressing the "delinquents" in person does not help. What can I do?
    Inform the public order office originally responsible for stationary traffic in Cologne (+49 221 / 221-32000) or in Leverkusen (+49 214 / 406-3601). Inform the police - especially if there is a specific obstruction and danger to moving traffic - or outside the office hours of the public order office. It is also possible to file an online report at https://internetwache.polizei.nrw/en.
  • I drive through the city a lot for work and I often see cyclists squeezing past, especially on traffic circles. And I find that very dangerous.
    The case described is - as a rule - illegal overtaking on the right. If the police notice such behavior, it will be punished. However, cyclists may overtake vehicles waiting in the right-hand lane with moderate speed and particular caution if there is sufficient space.
  • May an adult ride side by side with a child under 8 years of age?
    Children under the age of 8 must ride on the sidewalk and may be accompanied by an adult on a bicycle. Riding side by side is generally permitted, but consideration must be given to pedestrians. Further details are regulated by § 2 (5) StVO.
  • In single-lane meeting traffic next to parked cars: who may drive first?
    According to § 6 StVO, oncoming vehicles must be allowed to pass if they want to drive past a lane narrowing, an obstacle in the lane or a stopped vehicle on the left. If there are obstacles on both sides, the principle from § 1 StVO applies: There must be no danger or obstruction. You must come to an agreement and show consideration for each other.
Questions about the work of the police in connection with cycling safety
  • Why do we see so few police on bikes? This would surely lead to even more consistent action against stopping/parking cars on cycle paths. When can we expect to see more police on bikes?
    Violations that endanger the safety of cyclists are also punished by police officers in patrol cars, on motorcycles or on foot patrol.
    The presence of the police bicycle squad in Cologne and Leverkusen depends on spatial and temporal priorities and the available police resources. An increase in the number of "cycling" police is desirable, but at the same time there are many other tasks that also require an increased police presence.
  • Many situations could be dealt with faster, more flexibly, more communicatively, at eye level with people and with a greater presence in the cityscape from a bike. The ideal compromise between a patrol car and the former "Veedelspolizist" is a bicycle police officer.
    This is basically true, but many other situations in the city can be dealt with more quickly by patrol car or motorcycle. Bicycle patrols are equipped differently to patrol car crews, for example, which is also a significant aspect.
  • What specific measures are you planning to reduce the number of seriously or even fatally injured cyclists?
    There are numerous measures aimed at protecting vulnerable road users. These measures include speed enforcement, red light enforcement, stop sign enforcement, side distance enforcement, turning behavior enforcement and misconduct by and towards cyclists. Any infringements detected are consistently punished. The measures are supplemented by preventative and high-profile campaigns. The police support schools with cycling education. Some of this content (e.g. short films) is available to everyone on the Cologne police website.
  • When will you change the style of press releases on accidents involving bicycles to neutral language?
    The police inform the media about traffic accidents. In this first phase, it is forbidden to make allegations about causation. The question of guilt will ultimately be determined at the end of the investigation; possibly even only at a later court hearing.
  • Has the "wish" for more personnel resources to increase the necessary "presence on the bike" ever been communicated to the top? Are the Cologne police planning to set up their own "bicycle squadron"? The need is undisputedly there
    . The Cologne police have their own bicycle squadron. There are also mountain bike police officers in the seven police stations in Cologne and Leverkusen. However, we cannot carry out many operations by bike.
  • The only problem with the charges is that they are always either dropped by the public prosecutor's office due to a lack of evidence (no witnesses) or no prosecution is brought because there is no public interest.
    If you report locations to us by email at sicher-radfahren.koeln [at] polizei.nrw.de (sicher-radfahren[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) and the police carry out checks there, the police officers will serve as witnesses in court. In places where reckless behavior towards pedestrians is frequently noticed, the police will carry out more checks and use prevention talks to promote consideration for all road users.
    Depending on the level of danger, a "public interest" can also be affirmed. If multiple conspicuous "road rage offenders" are identified, proceedings are less likely to be discontinued.
  • Isn't the bicycle squad actually the motorcycle squad? At least in Ehrenfeld I haven't seen police on bikes - except on the very rare action days. There is a particular need on Venloer Straße
    . The Cologne police have both a bicycle squadron (MTB) and a motorcycle squadron (motorcycles). In addition, there are officers manning bicycles and motorcycles in the individual police stations. On almost every day, the MTB patrols are on duty somewhere in Cologne and Leverkusen. Regularly - also on Venloer Straße - there are also larger operations where police intervention is noticed more quickly.
  • It would be great to see police officers on their bikes much more often in the Ehrenfeld district. Also on side streets. Parked-up junctions in particular pose a great danger to pedestrians and cyclists.
    Thank you for pointing this out. We are generally aware of this, which is why we regularly check these areas.
Questions about rules relating to distance from cyclists
  • What are the distance rules when overtaking cyclists?
    When overtaking a cyclist in urban areas, a driver of a motor vehicle must keep at least 1.5 meters to the side. Outside built-up areas, a minimum distance of 2 meters must be maintained from cyclists.
    You can find more information on this at Paragraph 5 of the Highway Code.
  • What distances apply for cyclists and pedestrians on narrow shared footpaths and cycle paths? Does the cyclist have to slow down?
    Cyclists must keep a sufficient distance to the side of pedestrians. In this constellation, a side distance of at least 1 meter is generally considered sufficient. If this is not possible due to local conditions, mutual consideration applies. Cyclists must choose their speed in such a way that pedestrians are neither endangered nor hindered.
  • Is it permitted for cyclists to pass traffic lights?
    Cyclists may overtake vehicles waiting in the right-hand lane if there is sufficient space, at moderate speed and with particular caution.
  • Must cyclists also keep 1.5 meters to the side of parked vehicles?
    Cyclists should keep a distance of at least one meter from motor vehicles parked alongside the road or on the road to avoid riding into the area of carelessly opened doors. A safety distance of 80 to 90 centimeters from the right edge of the road and especially from parked vehicles can lead to contributory negligence in the event of claims for damages (Thüringer OLG Jena, Ref. 5 U 596/06).
  • What distance applies to cyclists when they are legally driving against the one-way street?
    The side distance rule only applies to overtaking, not to passing each other in meeting traffic. The principle from § 1 StVO applies here: A hazard must be ruled out. As on mountain roads, it may be necessary to wait at a suitable place. You must come to an agreement and show consideration for each other.
  • Can the distances when overtaking at too close a distance be verified in court using technical aids?
    At present, the Cologne police do not yet have a tested and calibrated measurement procedure for monitoring these violations. The German Road Traffic Act stipulates a minimum lateral distance of 1.5 meters in urban areas and 2 meters outside urban areas when overtaking pedestrians, cyclists and e-scooter riders with motor vehicles. If these distances cannot be maintained due to the width of the road or the traffic situation, overtaking is not permitted! If police officers detect violations, they will also be punished - a witness statement from the police officer is sufficient evidence. Other measurement procedures that can be used as evidence are currently being examined.
  • What can I do when drivers speed past me with what feels like a 20-centimeter gap? This happens to me several times a day and is always an extremely dangerous situation.
    The road traffic regulations stipulate a minimum lateral distance of 1.5 meters in urban areas and 2 meters outside urban areas when overtaking motor vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and e-scooter riders. If these distances cannot be maintained due to the width of the road or the traffic situation, overtaking is not permitted! If someone falls below this distance, they are committing an offense. If someone in a car passes a cyclist with a distance of only 20 cm, then the existence of a criminal offense must be examined: Endangering road traffic by driving the wrong way in gross violation of traffic regulations when overtaking, endangering the life or limb of another person.

    You can file a complaint at any time. Please pay close attention
  • Date,
  • Time,
  • Location,
  • Number plate of the vehicle
  • and a brief description of the driver of the vehicle

    You can file an online report at https://internetwache.polizei.nrw/en. You can also inform the Cologne police about particularly dangerous spots by sending an email to sicher-Radfahren.koeln [at] polizei.nrw.de (sicher-radfahren[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).
  • Are cyclists allowed to overtake cars with less than 1.5 meters distance?
    As a general rule, you must keep a sufficient distance to the side of other road users when overtaking. The German Road Traffic Act stipulates a minimum lateral distance of 1.5 meters in urban areas and 2 meters outside urban areas when overtaking pedestrians, cyclists and e-scooter riders with motor vehicles. If there is sufficient space, cyclists and moped riders may pass vehicles waiting in the right-hand lane at a moderate speed and with particular caution. The perception of safety of unprotected road users is more likely to be impaired than that of people driving vehicles.
  • Many cyclists pass pedestrians just as closely, usually without ringing a warning bell. Who should you report? No license plate and only the back of the head to be seen.
    You can file an online report at https://internetwache.polizei.nrw/en. You are welcome to email the Cologne police at sicher-radfahren.koeln [at] polizei.nrw.de (sicher-radfahren[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de )where this happens more frequently. Within the scope of available resources, the police will visit the location, punish violations and try to raise awareness of the situation in a personal conversation.
  • When can we expect distance controls in Ehrenfeld, especially on side streets and on the existing bicycle lanes? Overtaking is never permitted there due to a lack of residual width.
    Regular checks are carried out on the roads you mentioned, as well as on the many other roads where similar problems exist. You are welcome to send us locations where violations occur more frequently by email to sicher-radfahren.koeln [at] polizei.nrw.de (sicher-radfahren[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de). Within the scope of available resources, the police will visit the location, punish violations and try to raise awareness of the situation in a personal conversation.
Questions about so-called "dooring" accidents
  • The "Dutch grip" is often recommended. What is this actually?
    Drivers and their passengers must check the rear of the vehicle before getting out. The term "Dutch grip" is used when the hand away from the door operates the door handle when exiting a vehicle. This means that people on the driver's side use their right hand and people on the passenger's side use their left hand. This automatically rotates the upper body and makes it easier to look backwards.
    Further information can also be found on the page of the German Road Safety Council.
Questions about cycle lanes
  • What regulations apply in cycle lanes?
    According to Annex 2 of the StVO, the cycle lane may not be used by vehicular traffic other than cyclists or small electric vehicles as defined by the eKFV, unless this is permitted by additional signs. The maximum speed limit for vehicular traffic is 30 km/h. Cycle traffic must not be endangered or obstructed.
    Further information on this can be found in Annex 2 of the Road Traffic Regulations.
  • Why is moving and stationary vehicle traffic (including speeding and parking violations) not checked in bicycle lanes?
    The police and the City of Cologne jointly monitor bicycle lanes on many cycling campaign days and ensure that cycling facilities in Cologne and Leverkusen are clear. The planning of traffic routes is the responsibility of the local authorities. The city of Cologne has already rededicated many traffic areas for the expansion of cycling.
    In order to maintain a targeted local police presence and carry out checks, the police rely on information from the public. You are welcome to send this information by email to sicher-Radfahren.koeln [at] polizei.nrw.de (sicher-radfahren[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).
  • When a car comes from the right in a cycle lane: who has right of way?
    The general right of way rules apply in a cycle lane.
  • Does it also apply in a cycle lane that cyclists must keep a maximum distance from the right-hand edge, or can you ride in the middle of your lane?
    In the cycle lane, the regulations on the use of the carriageway apply. Bicycles are expressly permitted to ride side by side.
  • The speed limit in the cycle lane is 30 km/h. Does this also apply to cyclists?
    In the cycle lane, the speed limit is 30 km/h for all vehicles, including cyclists.
  • What rules apply to stopping/parking in cycle lanes?
    The same stopping and parking rules apply as in other streets.
  • Are you also allowed to ride inline skates on cycle lanes?
    No, inline skates are considered play equipment and may therefore only be used on sidewalks. The inline skater is equivalent to a pedestrian.
  • You can find more information about cycle lanes in Cologne here:
    Website of the city of Cologne https://www.stadt-koeln.de/leben-in-koeln/verkehr/radfahren/haeufig-gestellte-fragen-zu-fahrradstrassen
    Website of the Cologne police https://koeln.polizei.nrw/en/artikel/bicycle-lane-what-is-it


Questions about the bicycle, e-bike & pedelec
  • I lack riding experience. I would like to take part in a riding course with my bike/pedelec. Where can I find suitable offers?
    Here is a list of our current network partners with whom we work. Some of them offer cycling training themselves and others will be happy to inform you about a wide range of road safety programs, lectures, courses and workshops:

City of Cologne at https://www.stadt-koeln.de/leben-in-koeln/verkehr/verkehrssicherheit/
City of Leverkusen by e-mail to Christian.Syring [at] stadt.leverkusen.de (Christian[dot]Syring[at]stadt[dot]leverkusen[dot]de)
ADFC Cologne by e-mail to radverkehr [at] adfc-koeln.de (radverkehr[at]adfc-koeln[dot]de )
ADFC Leverkusen at https://leverkusen.adfc.de/
ADAC Nordrhein under the telephone number +49 221 4727620 or by e-mail to vku [at] nrh.adac.de (vku[at]nrh[dot]adac[dot]de)
German Road Safety Council at https://www.dvr.de/praevention/trainings/sicher-rad-fahren
VCD by email to info [at] vcd-koeln.de (info[at]vcd-koeln[dot]de)
Traffic Watch Cologne by email to info [at] vcd-koeln.de (info[at]verkehrswacht-koeln[dot]de)
Traffic Watch Leverkusen by email to verkehrswacht.leverkusen [at] gmail.com (verkehrswacht[dot]leverkusen[at]gmail[dot]com)

  • When and where can you have your bicycles coded in Cologne and Leverkusen?
    For bicycle coding, it is best to contact the ADFC Cologne or the ADFC Leverkusen. Due to contact restrictions, coding is currently only possible by appointment.
  • Is it compulsory for cyclists to wear a helmet?
    The Road Traffic Act (§ 21a StVO) stipulates that motor vehicles must wear a helmet. Helmets are not currently compulsory for bicycles and pedelecs.
    However, the Cologne police recommend wearing a helmet. If all bicycle users - including children if they are transported in seats, trailers or cargo bikes - wear a helmet, many serious head injuries can be prevented. A suitable safety helmet must be worn on S-pedelecs.
  • Are there special rules for cargo bikes?
    The same regulations apply to cargo bikes as to bicycles in accordance with the StVO and StVZO. When overtaking/passing, you should pay attention to the width of the cargo bike. If you are transporting children on a cargo bike, the Federal Highway Research Institute has published a recommendable brochure. Be particularly considerate of other road users when parking and parking cargo bikes.
  • What do I have to watch out for if I have a trailer with a child on my pedelec?
    Only pedelecs up to 25 km/h may carry a trailer. Not all of them are suitable for this, please contact the manufacturer or local specialist dealer for more information.
    Good brakes are important on a pedelec, as the braking distance is increased due to the load. Even if the road traffic regulations do not clearly state that children must wear seat belts in child bike trailers, the use of existing seat belts is clearly recommended. Cyclists and children in the trailer should also wear helmets. A maximum of two children (up to the age of 7) may be transported. Please ensure that lights and reflectors are not covered during the journey and that the trailer width is taken into account when overtaking/passing. On longer journeys, you should pay attention to the battery capacity of the pedelec, as this may decrease due to the additional weight. The rear tire of the bike can kick up dust and small stones. Appropriate face protection should be used for the children in the trailer. Most trailers also offer a fine-mesh net or an additional transparent plastic protective film.
  • Am I allowed to ride my pedelec registered abroad in Cologne?
    The following requirements must be met in order to ride a pedelec registered abroad in the Federal Republic of Germany:
    The electric motor of a pedelec may provide assistance up to a maximum of 250 watts at a maximum speed of 25 km/h. It makes sense to wear a suitable bicycle helmet, take out household contents insurance (theft of the bicycle) and private liability insurance (for personal injury and property damage).
    Registration and a driving license are not required. There is also no age restriction.
    The S-Pedelec, on the other hand, is a moped and offers motor assistance up to 45 km/h. To ride this moped, you need a class AM driving license, a registration, an insurance plate and a helmet. Cycle paths may not be used with an S-pedelec.
  • The number of accidents involving pedelec riders has exploded, how can this be explained?
    Pedelecs and e-bikes are popular and sales figures are increasing. The number of accidents is rising accordingly. In addition, there are many people who have not ridden a bike/pedelec for a long time and are now riding at relatively high speeds, among other things. Not everyone takes enough time for training before dangerous situations arise in road traffic. This often leads to excessive demands.
  • Why are older pedelec riders particularly affected by accidents?
    The proportion of older people in the population is growing. People are staying mentally and physically fit for longer and want to remain mobile. Many are switching from cars to pedelecs/e-bikes. The riding dynamics are underestimated by many. At the same time, there are health impairments that are taken into account incorrectly/too late.
  • What are the causes of accidents and how can they be prevented?
    The pedelec differs from a conventional bicycle due to its weight and the top speed it can easily reach. It is recommended that you seek advice from your local specialist dealer when purchasing. A test ride and subsequent training are advisable. The braking distance is longer due to the weight. Other road users underestimate the speed of a pedelec. You should therefore ride very carefully and with foresight. A pedelec must be serviced regularly due to increased wear and tear. Wearing a bicycle helmet is strongly recommended. When passing parked motor vehicles, keep a distance of at least one meter to the side to prevent so-called "dooring" accidents. It is important to make yourself visible in traffic by wearing reflectors and bright clothing. Many traffic accidents are often avoidable if the above points are taken into account.
  • I have an e-bike and haven't used it for 3 years. Can something happen when charging the battery?
    If the battery is not damaged and has a CE mark, it should be possible to recharge it normally without causing any damage. Under certain circumstances, there could be a drop in the performance of the battery. The charging process should be monitored after such a long time. You are welcome to seek advice from a specialist dealer.
  • Are you allowed to ride an S-pedelec (with license plate, up to 45 km/h) on a cycle path? In principle, S-pedelecs are not allowed to enter cycle lanes unless this is permitted by special signage (e.g. "Motor vehicles free"). S-pedelecs are considered mopeds subject to compulsory insurance.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110