LGBTIQ* representative
Thorsten Helmers on his role as LGBTIQ* officer at the Cologne police force

What does a queer officer do at the Cologne police force? Since the beginning of June 2023, Thorsten Helmers has been the contact person for questions about how the queer community interacts with the police. He sees himself as an important link for employees of the Cologne Police and people in the community who have dealings with the police.

As a commissioner, he sees his role as promoting understanding for different lifestyles and ensuring respectful interaction. He wants to raise awareness, build bridges and help to facilitate cooperation between the police and the queer community within and outside the police force. Networking and project work are an important part of his work. Helmers advises: "It usually starts with reflecting on how you perceive your own actions. For example, by asking yourself "What could my actions trigger in people and could they be hurtful?" Reflecting on your own actions is the first step towards ensuring respectful and appreciative interaction with one another."

In future, Thorsten Helmers will represent the authority at queer events, discussions and network meetings. "Hate crime is a criminal offense and every form should be reported to the police. With my work, I want to make a decisive contribution to strengthening the community's trust in the police," says the LGBTIQ* officer.

Dates and stations of the queer commissioner are published here regularly.

Next assignments:

  • July 7, 2023, 4:30 to 7 p.m.: Advice at Pipinstraße/Kleine Sandkaul together with the crime prevention/victim protection experts at the mobile advice center of the Cologne police
  • July 9, 2023: Participation and contact person for citizens at the CSD

Thorsten Helmers is available for all those who live and work in Cologne and all those who come to Cologne. He is interested in personal experiences and adventures as well as questions and suggestions, which can be sent to his e-mail address [at] (queer[dot]koeln[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).

  • What has happened to you before?
  • Where would you like more support from the police?

E-mails are expressly welcome.

About yourself:
Prior to his role as LSB-TIQ* officer, Thorsten Helmers worked as an investigative group leader in Criminal Investigation Department 33 (Fraud).

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110