Fraud scam with QR codes: The underestimated danger in the digital age

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Fraud scam with QR codes: The underestimated danger in the digital age
In a world where digital technologies are permeating more and more areas of our lives, QR codes have become a common means of sharing information quickly and conveniently. Despite their practical applications, these seemingly harmless squares are sometimes quite dangerous.

Cyber criminals have discovered QR codes for their fraudulent activities. Behind the code are fake pages from banks or online stores that aim to steal personal data, login details and even credit card numbers from unsuspecting victims.

The scammers are adept at placing QR codes in everyday situations where people have little suspicion. They can place them on billboards, posters, flyers or even in emails or text messages. As soon as the victim scans the code, they are redirected to a fake website that looks deceptively similar to the real site. Here, personal information is then requested, such as access data for bank accounts, email accounts or credit card details. This information is then used by the fraudsters to commit identity theft, withdraw money from bank accounts or make fraudulent purchases.

There are various ways to protect yourself from this scam:

  1. Be careful when scanning: Avoid scanning QR codes that have been sent to you unexpectedly or placed on unknown sources. It is important to check the source of the QR code and make sure it comes from a trusted source.
  2. Check the URL: Make sure the URL the QR code links to is the official website of the organization it claims to be. Carefully check the spelling and appearance of the website.
  3. Check the URL: Make sure the URL the QR code links to is the official website of the organization it claims to be. Carefully check the spelling and appearance of the website.
  4. Use updated security software: Keep your security software up to date to protect against malware and phishing attacks that can be spread via QR codes.

The best protection against QR code scams is to be cautious and remain suspicious.

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