North Rhine-Westphalia police figureheads: Police sports awards 2024

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North Rhine-Westphalia police figureheads: Police sports awards 2024
Minister Reul: "In the police force, we need people who go to the maximum to deliver top performance.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Ministry of the Interior NRW

Minister Herbert Reul honored the most outstanding North Rhine-Westphalian police athletes of the year 2023 as well as police officers with special merits in sports on Friday, 26 April 2024 in Krefeld. Last year, the athletes showed outstanding performances in various disciplines at national and international championships. A total of 44 police officers and one police sports club received the award. In addition, three special awards were presented for extraordinary commitment to police sport.

Interior Minister Herbert Reul: "In the police force, we need people who go to the maximum to deliver top performance. Respect also means shaking hands with your opponent after a defeat in sport and congratulating them on their victory. And adherence to the rules and fair play demonstrate a sense of justice. These are all qualities that make you one of the greats in sport. We also need them in Team 110."

The police profession demands a lot from police officers on a daily basis, both mentally and physically. Because, whether it's dealing with violent criminals at demonstrations or domestic violence operations on the fifth floor of a residential building, the police profession doesn't work without physical fitness.

The award ceremony in Krefeld was attended by Interior Minister Herbert Reul, Krefeld Police Commissioner Ursula Mecklenbrauck and Krefeld Mayor Karsten Ludwig.

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For journalistic inquiries, please contact the press office of the Ministry of the Interior, telephone 0211 871-1111.

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