Stranded Traveler Scam

Picture with blur shows travelers at a railroad track of a station with an incoming train on the left.
Stranded Traveler Scam
Stranded, robbed and penniless: With this scam, con artists pretend to be travelers in need. Their goal: cash.

The perpetrators act individually or in teams. When traveling in teams, they often pretend to be relatives, for example brothers or a father and son team. They look for busy areas such as train stations, city centres, supermarket parking lots, service stations, etc.

They feign a financial emergency - e.g. the loss of documents and papers due to theft - and try to arouse the willingness of passers-by to help in order to obtain cash.

The aim is to use a fake banking app to make it appear to the victims that the fraudsters will immediately return the outstanding amount to them by instant bank transfer.

The police advise

  • Always be vigilant if you are approached on the street and make sure you keep a sufficient distance from the person
  • Never hand over large sums of cash to people you do not know.
  • Do not accept any money transfer payments, even if you think you know the platform.
  • Do not give any personal details to unknown people.
  • Leave the location immediately if you feel harassed.
  • Specifically approach other passers-by and ask them for help.
  • In emergencies or in case of doubt, call the police on 110.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110