Use the opportunity to expand your knowledge, gain new perspectives and discover other people's ideas for yourself. You can look forward to presentations that can give you inspiration for overcoming your challenges.

Herbert Reul
Herbert Reul is Minister of the Interior of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and will give the welcoming address at the event.

Sung-Ju Park
Sung-Ju Park is Director General of the Future Policy Policing Bureau of the Korean National Police Agency and will address a welcome speech to the colleagues from Germany.

Ingo Wünsch
Ingo Wünsch is Director of the State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia and provides an insight into the current
crime situation.

Thomas Jungbluth
Thomas Jungbluth was Chief Criminal Director at the NRW police force for many years - most recently at the NRW State Criminal Police Office - and presents the results of an expert group's report on the challenges of the future for an efficient criminal investigation department in NRW.

Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe
Professor Isabell Welpe holds the Chair of Strategy and Organization at the Technical University of Munich and is Director of the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning. She will be speaking on the topics of skills, set-up and leadership.

Dr. Stefan Carsten
Dr. Stefan Carsten is a futurologist and will explain the methodology, meaning and advantages of scenario development based on experience and examples.

Dr. Lena Lindemann
Dr. Lena Lindemann is Labor Director and Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Group AG. She presents elements of modern personnel recruitment and provides insight into how the economy is responding to the shortage of skilled workers.

Sven Esser
Sven Esser is Head of Telephony at ADAC Nordrhein. In his presentation, he will talk about ADAC's solutions for staff deployment and customer proximity in the digital age.

Taeho Kang
Korea Institute of Police Technology Representatives of the Korea Institute of Police Technology (KIPoT) present the use of the latest artificial intelligence in the fight against serious crime in South Korea.

Johannes Hermanns
Johannes Hermanns is State Director of Criminal Investigation at the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia. He explains what consequences the Ministry of the Interior is currently examining in order to further develop the fight against crime.