New motorcycle squad at the Viersen police department

The motorcycle squadron of the KPB Viersen
New motorcycle squad at the Viersen police department
A versatile tool, especially in rough terrain

The time had come yesterday: after 11 years, the Viersen police reintroduced a motorcycle squadron. District Administrator Dr. Andreas Coenen: "The advantage is simply that our colleagues are mobile and can go anywhere, even in places in the district that are not so well developed." And that's exactly how it is. In the western part of the district in particular, there are many country and forest roads that can only be used to a limited extent by patrol cars.

The motorcycle squadron primarily supplements our patrol service. However, the motorcycles are also highly effective in priority operations, at gatherings or when searching for missing persons in rough terrain. With the motorcycles, the Viersen police are expanding their operational options and are even more effective in serving the public. As of today, the four BMW R 1200 RTs are in use in the Viersen district.

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