Clan crime situation

Clan crime situation
Clan crime situation
The fight against clan crime is set out as an important security policy goal in the state government's 2017 - 2022 coalition agreement.

Current situation

Criminal behavior of Turkish-Arab clan members is the subject of public perception and therefore has political relevance in addition to police relevance. The annual situation report "Clan Crime NRW" provides the basis for a general assessment of crime committed by members of extended families of Turkish-Arab origin and makes it possible to identify regional and phenomenological focal points.

The North Rhine-Westphalian State Criminal Police Office (LKA NRW) has presented the clan crime situation report for 2022. This shows an increase in criminal offenses and an increase in suspects with a clan connection. A total of 6,573 clan-related crimes were registered for the reporting year. This is an increase of 20.3% compared to the previous year (2021: 5,462). 30.9% of the crimes are so-called crimes of violence, such as robbery, threats or bodily harm and crimes against personal freedom, such as deprivation of liberty. Decidedly new structures in the area of clan crime are not (yet) considered in this situation report.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110