App "Well cared for in..." - now also in Leverkusen

Well supplied app
App "Well cared for in..." - now also in Leverkusen
"Well cared for in..." - The app for senior citizens on the road to success

The "Gut versorgt in...Köln" app has been available since April 2023. Since then, over 37,000 users have downloaded the app. A success story that the Cologne police would like to continue with the launch of the app in Leverkusen and would be delighted if the app is installed and used.
With local prevention offers, the app helps older people in Cologne and Leverkusen to protect themselves better.

How does the app work? 

Push, yes please! With daily updated information via the "push messages" function, the Cologne Police Prevention Service can warn and inform the people of Cologne and Leverkusen about fraud and theft scams: If, for example, fraudulent phone calls or increased visits from "fake tradesmen/water workers" accumulate, they are informed via the app "Gut versorgt in ... Cologne" app - as well as current dates and tips on topics such as burglary protection, pickpocketing and road safety (e.g. rollator training). 

What else can the app do? 

"Well cared for in ... Cologne and Leverkusen" is primarily aimed at older people. In addition to event tips, general information/addresses on the topics of leisure, sport, health, care and advice from the municipal services of the city of Cologne and soon also from Leverkusen, the Cologne police are represented with their own "police tile". Specially designed for the older generation, the app is clear and easy to use, barrier-free and voice-controlled. 

The "police tile" 

The app takes you to the Cologne police website - with many useful prevention tips, behavioral advice, dates and police victim protection.
With the help of this app, the prevention services provide information in particular about current fraud and theft scams targeting senior citizens in the Cologne and Leverkusen city area. 

How do I get the app? 

The app can be used on both Android and Apple iPhones and tablets/iPads. It is available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and can be downloaded free of charge. No personal data needs to be entered.

App download

Participation helps! 

Now available in many cities, not only in NRW, this app offers a quick way to protect and warn older people, especially via the push function. "Install the app and prevent fraud" - The crime prevention team is delighted when the app is installed on cell phones and tablets and informs elderly relatives, neighbors and friends in particular about the services offered by "Gut versorgt in... Cologne and Leverkusen" and support them in setting up the app.


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